Success on Medtronic 670G

Just like today’s political news, the reviews of Medtronic’s 670G are polarizing. I have been on both sides of the magnet while trying to figure out how Automode works, both as a patient and as a diabetes educator. 670G is an amazing piece of technology that is intended to, in a sense, “free” the life of someone with diabetes. Expectations need to be in check about what has been traded for freedom in order to successfully and happily live with 670G. Before you throw that pump off a bridge, make sure you have given all 9 points a reasonable effort.

1.     Automode is no longer an “insulin pump” in the sense that you have come to know it. It is a completely different system with different rules (see points 5 & 6).

2.     Carb boluses need to be given before meals. Sometimes 15 to even 30 minutes before.

3.     Consistent insulin absorption is key. This means you need to be diligent about changing your reservoir and set every 2-3 days. No exceptions. Also make sure to use the insertion set that is best for your needs.

4.     Find the best locations for your CGM. The technology still isn’t perfect, but everyone has a few sweet spots where the sensor performs well. Be adventurous.

5.     No more micromanaging! This is your freedom! But it can be hard to let go. This is the most common barrier I see to Automode success.

6.     No more fake carb boluses. Some micromanagers will give “fake carb” boluses in attempt to treat a high BG. This might lead to good control with a manual, standard pump, but this will cause a low with Automode.

7.     Carb ratios need to be evaluated and reset. Over the first 60 days in Automode, the carb ratios will probably need adjusting a few times as the Automode adjusts to your needs.

8.     Manual basal needs to be adjusted with carb ratios. There will be hours, if not days where you can’t find the energy to put on a new sensor. To ensure the transition between Automode and Manual Mode is smooth, the two systems should be synchronized.

9.     Consult often with your diabetes educator when learning 670G for support, sanity and safety. These steps may sounds simple, but they take precision to master. To find out how to master 670G, make an appointment at Active Diabetes today!

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